Support Forums

Welcome to Northeme Support Center & Knowledgebase. Theme support covers installation & getting setup, trouble with using theme features and bug fixes. Our goal is to reply your questions within one business day.

WP THEMES Workality Plus
WordPress theme support questions

  • 2.0 update - Issue with Visual composer plugin not activated and slider revolution

    I am getting this notification on dashboard :- Hola! Would you like to receive automatic updates and unlock premium support? Please activate your copy of Visual Composer. Same with slider revolution. Please...

    Setup / Installation
  • Upgrading from W Premium - Trouble instaling Visual Composer Plugin

    Hello I am upgrading Workality Premium to Workality Plus and get the following when I try to install Visual Composer: Destination folder already exists. /var/www/web/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/ Plugin install failed. Any ideas? Kind regards...

  • Creative fields

    Hello I have upgraded my Workality theme today and I've just noticed that my "Creative Fields" aren't working anymore. All of them send me to an error page that says " Oops!...

    Setup / Installation
  • Time Limit Stuck at 40MB

    Hello, I hope someone can resolve this issue I having with Time Limit. The Time Limit is set at 40MB under the requirement tab. I have already contacted my DreamHost regarding this...

    Setup / Installation
  • Visual Composer not installing

    Hello! I just updated the theme and am installing the requited Visual Composer. Howvere, I get this notice: Installing Plugin: Visual Composer Unpacking the package… Could not copy file. js_composer/assets/js/dist/backend-actions.min.js I have...

    Setup / Installation
  • Install demo freezing

    Hey guys, Really enjoying the new v2.0, took the day off to update my portfolio and I'm having a big problem. I'm trying to install one of the demos. I've met all...

    Setup / Installation
  • Remove Featured image

    I do not want the image to appear on each blog post: How do I remove it?

    Setup / Installation
  • Background slider with video issue

    Hi, I add a background slider, choose video and insert all the details for the video. Everything plays fine. Then I go back to edit the video under background sliders and everything...

    Setup / Installation
  • Well?

    Setup / Installation
  • Table for adding woocommerce products

    Hi Northeme, I wanted to create a page in which i want to add a table of three columns showing three products and user can select any product they want to purchase....

    Setup / Installation
  • Problems with changing color or heading of text in some pages.

    Hi, I am having trouble changing color or heading in some pages. In other pages it works. In the ones that don't I need to code it in text (right tab) to...

    Setup / Installation
  • Blurry thumbnail (feature image) and noisy content in Works

    How can I get my content to have the quality it first had? Since I 'regenerated' the thumbnails, the trouble started: any new image for the Works content appear with a bad...

    Setup / Installation
  • Thumbnails getting cropped in place of resizing

    Hi Northemes, I am trying to upload images to My posts but the thumbnails or images of size 150x150 or 300x300 they are getting cropped. I do not want them to be...

    Setup / Installation
  • permalinks -2 on my two northeme

    My only two custom post types i have created now show -2 on the permalinks I have /products/ which gets forwarded to /products-2/ and the permalink shows /products-2/ and it wont let...

    Setup / Installation
  • contact form on everypage

    I would like to put a contact form on the bottom of content each pag and placed above the related category grid. Sort of like a footer but not at the very...

    Setup / Installation
  • Issue with contact page template

    HI Northemess, I wanted to use Fontawesome icons on my Contact page template. But when i add font-awesome icons on Info Column they do not show the font-awesome icons on the Contact...

    Setup / Installation
  • Upgraded to workality plus but have some issues

    Hi Northemes, I upgraded my theme from Workality lite to plus version. But in my lite version I had Works url as domain/works but when i upgrade my url is domain/work. So...

    Setup / Installation
  • Portfolio Page Template

    Hi, I´ve used Workality lite and upgraded with Workality plus yesterday. My Works / Portfolio (posts overview page) is shown with a sidebar since the upgrade was done. The sidebar is containing...

    Setup / Installation
  • categories

    Hello, I am using Workality Plus, and it seems categories doesn't work. When I select a category I retrieve a message: "It looks like nothing was found at this location."

    Setup / Installation
  • rollover thumbnail?

    hello could somebody help me out with the thumbnail options on workability plus please? Im sure the they used to have a fade to white as you hovered over them. Have these...

    Setup / Installation
  • Slider home and Works category

    Hi, I recently made the switch from Workality Premium to Workality Plus. I have three problems. I see no more my slider on my homepage (but is active). On Premium was ok...

    Setup / Installation
  • Help needed to create a site exactly like the one on your demo site

    Hi, I couldn't figure out how to create a site that looks exactly like the one on your demo site. I want to create a "Works" section like the "Selected Works" section...

    Setup / Installation
  • custom post types

    Hi, logged in today to updated my "Works" portfolio and found all my custom post types have vanished? I updated the theme last week, has the update effected the post types in...

    Setup / Installation
  • Multilingual website

    Hello, i working for several years with Workality Premium and am very satisfied. I would now like to have the same web site in two languages (Italian and German). What do you...

    Setup / Installation
  • LAYOUT PADDING problems

    Appearance / WEBSITE LAYOUT / Layout Padding Does not work, does not apply to me changes. + INFO:

    Setup / Installation


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