Welcome to Northeme Support Center & Knowledgebase. Theme support covers installation & getting setup, trouble with using theme features and bug fixes. Our goal is to reply your questions within one business day.
Hello, I'd like to create a portfolio page with the regular thumbnails and descriptions, but would like clicking on the thumbnails to take the viewer to an online pdf or website. Is...
Hallo, it seems that there a simple way to upgrade the centreal plus theme to the new centreal plus master theme. Do I have to delete the old one to get a...
Hello, How can I have properly formatted C# code on a post? I want to have the syntax in the right colours if possible. I tried using the html tags in the...
Hello, How do I change the size of the text in the default button on the Cover Page? Thank you in advance.
Hello! I'm working on my new website and I personalized the design a little bit. Now, I would like to have the title of a single portfolio item at the same place...
Hi here, I notice that in the latest update of Centreal Plus, v2.6, there is a change on WooCommerce Out of stock text. But is there a way to add a Out...
Hi, Great themes, thanks as ever. I'm trying to create a single standalone page on the back end of a client's site which has no navigation back to the main site. Is...
Hi, I inserted the video/embed and then put the embed cod like below. Winner icon motion from soyeon Kim on Vimeo. Though I put the size of video, it stretched more than...
Hi, I have opted for center alignment in cover page. Everything is center aligned but still the image shows shifted to a little right. Check here www.elspazia.com
Hi I am using a hero slider in my webpage. On a 13" computerscreen the photos in the slider is all over the page, showing no text underneath whiteout scrolling. On a...
Hi Mert, Maybe this is very simple, but I wanted to change a bit the layout of the blog page to have the featured images align with the excerpt text but I...
I have been dealing with this for a while now and I can't find a way to fix it. I have a photography website and I am trying to showcase my images...
Hi guys! Is there a way to hide the "read more" button for posts that don't actually have more content and show it only for posts where there is more to read?...
Dear Northeme Support-Team! I´m using different post types in central plus and would like to re-order the posts in alphabetical order. In three of seven post types I can see the posts...
Hello, I have just installed Centreal Plus theme (V2.5.5) on Wordpress 4.9.4 and when I try to register it with the serial key from my account page I get an error with...
Hi, I am unable to update the slider & VC plugins. I downloaded and tried to upload it from add plugins options but it says 'folder already exists' update failed. please help.
Hi, I have recently shifted my website to a new domain and hosting and i am not able to update the theme. It says 'Something went wrong. Make sure that WordPress "uploads"...
Hi, Suddenly the mobile menu is not working. The icon is there but nothing happens when i click it. I have Centreal Plus on two sites and on one it works fine...
Why after updating the theme the footer is having this text 'Centreal Plus by Northeme. Powered by WordPress'
Hi there, I have just upgrade my website to central plus, I have reset everything that was mess up and I love all the new features but I have a bunch of...
Hi Mert I am not sure if this is a Northeme-issue or woocommerce problem. But on the page www.nivaagaard.dk/en/collection I have an issue that the "all" category doesn't show any products. It...
Hi Northeme I made som changes on a page, showing as a thumbnail on my index page. Now it will not show in IE? It only shows an X (in a box)...
Hi there. Love your themes! How do I remove the option to comment on my portfolio pages? I have 'disable comments' set to green in the theme options, but the comment box...
I do not have wordpress on my computer. Where to get it?
Hi there, I'm trying to change the padding size at Centreal Plus on a single project. I've been trying to find and modify at style.css without success because there is no option...
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