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textfield below images when switching between one column and two column layout

Case ID #3457   -   Setup / Installation

Dear Mert,
I do have two different custom post layouts:

Here is the problem:
In order to have my text appear BELOW the picture of in the first layout, I have created a text field within the Northeme Custom Post Feature section. This works great. However, should I want to change this layout from one column to two column one day, the text field will NOT appear in the sidebar, but rather underneath the then smaller images.
The only option I have to let my text appear in the sidebar (two column layout) is to use the WordPress Visual Editor field. This works great, but again, if I'd want to wish to switch between one and two column layout, in THIS case, the text will be ABOVE the images. As I would like to avoid copy and pasting the text of every single post when switching btw. layouts: Is there an option – like it was in Workality Premium – to simply check whether the text should appear above or below the images? Alternatively, a solution could be to be able to mark one of the Northeme Custom Post Feature text fields to be something liek a "priority text field" which would be THE one that shows in the sidebar in a two column layout.
Thanks for your help

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