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Tag listing pages

Case ID #4329   -   Setup / Installation

Hello team,

I have a small but persistent issue that I can’t get ahead of as it seems.
It is concerning the “tags”, more precise the pages where post are listed when clicked on some post’s tags.

If you go (i.g.) to
and click “#Dior” tag then you come to a page where the posts referring to it are correctly listed, yet,
in some way theme uses the wrong page as background for the listing. (it is not only the title but the whole page, background etc. as you can check with “Renaissance” tag i.g. that uses “Centaur” portfolio as listing page and has a flower in background)

The weird thing is that some tags work correctly while others won’t. And I can see no significant difference between the correct displaying ones and the bad ones.

You can also check this issue going directly in backend to the “tags” section and “view” the tags. The correct form in my eyes should be always “TAG : [MY TAG]“ not portfolio pages.

The bad ones having the issue so far are: “Dior, Trussardi, Renaissance, Vogue Italy”.

Moreover I saw that in tag “Venere“ also a “category” is listed below the title which shouldn’t on a tag listing page, am I wright?

Mert (by the way thank you for your compliments! Keeps me going 😉 should have my credentials. I would not like to display it here in public or mail again. But just tell me if necessary.

Thank you very much!

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