Hi. Love your theme(s). I am muddling through set up of two sites, and everything (almost everything) is up and running. However when I use the search feature, the first item that comes up is improperly linked. I have no idea how this happened, but because it is the first item it is a concern for me.
I have removed the search from Northeme options, cleared my cache, cleared my browser, and turned search back on. It is still there. I have made the page private and searched it, and it’s still there.
Please help. I need to send the page out to potential galleries this weekend. I thought everything was a go.
This is the search item.
Orillia Streets Alive – Letters of Orillia
Orillia Streets Alive – Letters of Orillia Leslie Fournier of Orillia Streets Alive heads another exhibition/competition of street art in…
And this is the page it is linking to.
Thanks so much in advance.