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Category and Footer Question(s)

Case ID #4836   -   Setup / Installation


Couple questions that I am unable to find support for as I am building my new portfolio.

Category question:

see image reference

1. This is from my old site in 2015 using Workality Plus. How do I make the boxed style of categories you see in this image? Is it somewhere in the settings or is this custom css I may have done years ago?

Footer Questions:

see image reference

2. This is also from my old site in 2015 using Workality Plus. How do I make the footer go below the copyright? And is there a way to get the social icons on there like I had?

3. I am unable to list categories at the bottom on my footer. It says – no categories. My categories are called "Creative Fields" and I have created fields in the Portfolio section (Graphic Design, Branding, Photography, etc) which are listed everywhere else (main page, portfolio page, under thumbnails, etc) and I can click them and they are working like a filter. For some reason when I add them to my footer they do not show up…What am I missing?



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