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Blog roll load more error

Case ID #3591   -   Setup / Installation


First off, I LOVE this new theme and the easy to use interface! Thank you! I was able to re-skin my website so quickly.

The one thing that is a bit odd is the blog roll. I have it set so that 9 posts auto appear on the home page. this is great. but when i click on 'load more' it loads the same 9 posts and then starts to break from a 3 column structure to a 2 column. i'm not sure why it's doing this, but it's doing it for the pagination, load more and auto load when scrolling option.

so, i am wondering if this can be fixed so it just loads the rest of my blog roll correctly. if not, then can i disable the option to load more posts? it works great on the category sub pages, just not on the blog roll itself.

the website is

many thanks!!!!

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